687 open spots available to donate blood

  1. 1,000’s of donors are needed to ensure patients’ needs are being met this holiday season. We are asking regular donors to plan, book, and keep their donation appointments.
  2. Blood donations are supplied to over 700 hospitals across Canada. Cancer treatments, trauma, surgeries, and organ transplants all routinely take place between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day.
  3. Over the December holidays, seasonal commitments often pose a challenge for donors to make it into our donor centers. If you are a first-time donor, consider asking a loved-one or friend to join you. Together you can make saving lives your greatest gift.
  4. Encourage your family, friends or colleagues to donate with you. Groups of three or more donors scheduled to donate at the same time may book our Lifebus shuttle to and from our donor center. Make your arrangements today by calling 1 888 2 DONATE.

Making an appointment to donate has never been easier:
Download our Give Blood app, call 1 888 2 DONATE (1 888 236-6283) or book now at blood.ca.

Walk-in appointments are also available at all locations.

Between Dec 24th – Dec 31th we need another 435 people to donate blood at the Blood Donor Centre at Eau Claire Market.

Dec 24 – 90 open appointments
Dec 26 – 48 open appointments
Dec 27 – 51 open appointments
Dec 30 – 152 open appointments
Dec 31 – 94 open appointments

On behalf of patients in need and Canadian Blood Services, we wish you a happy, peaceful and healthy holiday season. Thank you for being the reason – the connection – that keeps Canada’s Lifeline going.
