Every year in December Love with Humanity Association make special efforts to help our less fortunate fellow Calgarians who are most vulnerable due to the freezing cold weather calling outdoors as their home.
To help them they will gratefully accept ‘New’ or “gently used” sanitized winter clothes and gear ( e.g. Jackets, Sleeping bags, Boots, Gloves, Socks, Toques, Winter pants, Mittens, Neck warmers, Hand warmers, Leg warmers and Scarves) both for men and women.
They have set our goal to collect as many of these items and hand them over to Less Fortunate fellow Calgarians on December 19 (Sunday) as we celebrate the Happy Holiday event with less serving healthy food ,coffee, gifts and winter gears for them and let them know that we have not forgotten them and that, they are one of us.
When: Nov 20th, Nov 27 and Dec 11, 2021 ( All Saturdays)
Timings: 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Where: Langlois Hall 95 Falshire Dr NE, Calgary, AB T3J 1P7